
Tuesday 16 November 2010

Dip your Lights - You're Blinding Me

Woke this morning for the 2nd day running, to freezing fog. Dark, very cold unappealing in the extreme, in fact the only reasonable response to such days is Brrrrrrr I'm going back to bed!

Arrived, reluctantly to the place where I do the odd hour as a volunteer only to find there was virtually nothing to do.  Brief revival of better spirits on receipt of warm hug from lovely friendly cleric, followed by self-centred 'why can no-one else see how miserable I am'?  After a firm self talking-to about such an attitude felt briefly more cheerfull - for all of ten minutes - then gloom descended again.

Returning home found a statement in the post from a company I have never dealt with, telling me I owed them £83 pounds.  Spent a half hour sorting that out on the phone sat with a huge mug of drinking chocolate with 3 spoonfulls of sugar (don't take sugar), and contemplated my navel while staring miserably out of the window at a cold, misty uninviting garden.  Deep joy!

I know, I thought I'll go and read my emails.  Ha! should have known better.  No internet access - again!

Switched everything off (almost including my life-support machine) and unplugged the router, then the phone rang.  The caller was a very good friend calling from the Netherlands, a friend moreover from whom I had almost given up all hope of ever hearing again, due to the fact that he was apparently terminally ill with a very aggressive form of cancer.

I had prayed repeatedly for him without any real hope that he would survive and had shirked all idea of trying to contact his lovely wife for fear that the news would be the worst possible.

To my amazement, he sounded much his old self, cheerfull, wise-cracking and up-beat and says that though the treatment - which he describes as "chemical poisoning" was fairly dreadfull he now feels quite well and is looking forward to a family Christmas.  He had rung to ask how I was!!!!

What a wonderfull piece of news and what a lesson to me in how not to behave.  Needless to say my spirits have rocketed and the light at the end of the tunnel is not merely visible, it is possitively dazzling.

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